Monitored Fire Alarms Vs Smoke Detectors In Wichita
The National Fire Protection Agency advises you place a smoke detector. At a minimum, your home should have a smoke detector in every bedroom, the common space outside sleeping quarters, and on each level of the building (even the basement). But, should you just place a standard smoke detector, or should you pick out for a more cutting-edge monitored fire alarm? The decision is essentially up to your preference, but here’s the arguments in the monitored fire alarm vs. smoke detector in Wichita debate.
Standard Smoke Detectors Only Pick Up Smoke
Like the name says, ordinary smoke detectors only go off when they detect an ample amount of smoke. Then they go off -- usually with a high-decibel beeping -- until you reboot the alarm. Of course, if you’re not home, who will react to the siren.
For best results, you should install multi-sensor smoke detectors that are responsive for both smoke from both blazing and smoldering remnants. It might be best to link your components so every alarm goes off at the same time. That way, you will find out if there's a fire from above, even if it happens from a spark in the ground floor.
Monitored Fire Alarms Notify You To Fire When You Are Home Or Away
A monitored fire alarm looks and installs the exact same way as your common smoke detector. If they discover fire conditions around the home, they'll emit a high-volume alarm. However, there's plenty of features that your monitored fire alarms are going to do that your smoke detectors isn’t able to.
For starters, modern sensors will scan for growing thermal energy in addition to smoke. When they detect fire, they'll notify a monitoring specialist as well as trigger the piercing alarm. That lets you focus on escaping out of the house as your monitoring specialist sends emergency services. And since your monitoring center is always on, your alarms will always contact a professional even when you're not home.
Monitored fire alarms commonly link into your Wichita home security system. Other devices paired to the same system can be told to respond when your fire alarms go off. For instance, your smart thermostat can automatically activate the vent fan, which should help stifle further growth. Or have your whole home dive into motion and have the lights come on, your doors unlock, and your other alarms deactivate. You can even have your system issue your phone a message to know that your house is in danger while you're out and about.

The Decision In Monitored Fire Alarms Vs. Smoke Detectors in Wichita
It's clear to see what wins in a straight comparison between monitored fire alarms and smoke detectors. You just receive so much more with a monitored fire alarm.
Standard Smoke Detectors:
● Sounds high-decibel alarm when the component senses excessive amounts of smoke
Monitored Fire Alarms
● Sounds high-decibel siren when the component detects ample of smoke
● PLUS has sensors for rising heat
● PLUS pairs with your home security system
● PLUS informs a 24/7 monitoring team which will send emergency responders
● PLUS sends you an alert to your phone
Get Monitored Fire Alarms In Your Wichita Home Security System
To obtain the most from your monitored fire alarms, like them to a powerful security system, like ADT. Luckily, Secure24 Alarm Systems can craft your ADT home security package to incorporate fire and safety alarms. Just call (316) 215-9179 or send in the form below to get started.